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Your Divine Right

Writer's picture: MaryLisa EmeryMaryLisa Emery

Hey there Gorgeous,

I've got a few things to tell you, so just get comfortable, maybe close your eyes and let these words wash over you through your Consciousness and into your Heart, where you already know that all of this is true.

Today you are going to understand and feel your true power.

Today you are going to stop thinking about the wrong things, or the sad things, or the frustrating things.

No, today there is no room for anger or worry.

There is no room for it because you are going to be feeling all the amazing things that were meant for you.

You were created from Divine Energy,

You were created in the image of god,

You were created from an explosion of star dust.

Do you feel the energy buzzing in you right now?

Yeah, all of that came from pure power and amazement.

From a single source.

And that Source is all powerful,

It's where things are created

It's where you come from

Maybe you just forgot

Maybe you forgot why you are here.

So let me tell you.

You are not here to fix the world,

You are not here to stress or fret

You are not here to carry burdens or live in the past or wallow in your mistakes.


You are here to create.

You are here to create experiences that bring you the utmost joy

You are here to love and choose love.

You are here because you wanted to come.

And before you came, you knew, that every desire you had would be answered in kind.

You knew that you would be divinely supported to live a joyous existence.

You knew that you would have the power to create the feelings and experiences that you desired.

You knew there would never be lack or competition for what is yours by Divine Right.

You knew that no one would have to suffer to make your desires come true.

You knew Consciousness was the basis of existence,

And with every new desire, more resources and answers were created.

But sometimes you forget.

And that is ok.

Sometimes you use your mind to think of the wrong and negative things,

And those desires are answered instead.

Any low vibrational feelings are signals, that you are separated from your Divine Truth.

Your feelings are warning signs, signaling that you have strayed from your Power,

Which is why they often feel so nasty.

But fear not because you are never truly separated from your power,

Because it is your essence.

You are a born creator,

And today you have decided to use your creation skills for joy and love.

Today you choose to use your mind for good.

So say it with me:

It is my Divine Right to love and be loved in return

It is my Divine Right to be successful

I have amazing skills and talents which provide me with financial and spiritual success

Money is the materialization of god, allowing me to fufill my desires

All my desires are now for my Highest Good and Expression

I am ready to receive all that is mine

I know that forcing something or resisting something means I am disconnected

I let nonresistance and flow wash over me, knowing in this state all that I ask for is mine.

I can only receive things that are for my Highest Good

There is no competition in this reality, only cooperation and creation

When one person wins, so do I, for it is a signal that I am attracting joy

When I ask for something, it is delivered, everytime

I am a Divine Creator with unlimited potential

God is my source, which never runs out

The Universe conspires for my success

I demand perfect health, for it is the basis of my essence

The world is changed for the better, simply by the joy I feel and experience

I give willingly and joyfully, knowing that giving is the basis of receiving

We are all connected because we all came from the same Source

The happiness of others brings joy to my heart

I forgive myself because I deserve to be free

I do not belong to the law of Karma, I am instantly forgiven when I ask for it.

I do not let toxic thoughts linger for long, for I bless the thing causing dissonance, therefore neutralizing it

My thoughts create things and I have perfect faith these things are delivered in perfect time.

I am not here to wallow or despair, only to be light and love

I never judge or criticize myself or others, I only forgive and bless and love

My perfect partner is here now, loving me the way I deserve to be

I am so grateful and blessed to know these things to be true.

I cast my burdens to Source and am free to love and be prosperous.

I am pure power

I am pure love.

1 commentaire

Membre inconnu
12 juin 2021

beautiful 💗

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