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Relationship Workshop

Updated: Oct 18, 2020

Hello Spirit Friends,

Welcome to the October Workshop for House 7: Relationships, Equity, Fairness, Purpose

Last month we worked on House 6: Virgo: Routine, Health, and Service

We were preparing ourselves to be our best selves through ardent self care, so we could be of more service to others.

How did that go for you?

Are you one month in to a meaningful self-routine?

I hope so because now we are going to put it to practice!

Last month we worked on stabilizing ourselves, now we will engage in meaningful relationships through the lens of equity: Giving to others what we give to ourselves.

The Seventh House places a lot of emphasis on purpose, uniting our powers for the common good of others.

Powerful Stuff!

Let's take a dive into what the Seventh House is all about in Astrology:

(If you want to learn more about Astrological Houses, read here

Seventh House

Air-- This House is all about matters of Air: mental capacities, creation, communication, change

Macro World-- This house is focused on our relationship with with the "whole", how we can contribute and combine with other people and institutions

Others-- This house directs you to mind others and their needs. How can we better relate to others to experience more of ourselves?

Characteristics-- Equity, Partnerships, Relationships, Purpose, Fairness

House Seventh is asking "How can I be a better partner in all capacities?"

I gave an introduction to healthy relationships tips in this blog post, so check it out.

So how do we enhance our partnerships?

With friends?





Keys to a Healthy Relationship

Let's Identify the Aspects of healthy relationships.

These factors are translatable across all sorts of relationships.

And you'll see a lot of these qualities overlap with each other.

Positive Regard: Inspire, laughter, share. Good relationships are hallmarked by finding the best in each other, sharing good times together, laughing together, and making each other feel good through. People don't necessarily remember what is said, they remember how you make them feel. Causing little moments of joy in relationships are simple, and it will bring you joy too.

Problem-Solving: Communicate, break and build. There will be problems; the key is not to ignore the problem, but rather address it. If something feels off, express the concern and give the other person a chance to help you solve it together. When we address problems, we need to be sure we are using "I" and "feel" statements, not accusing. Being able to communicate what you are feeling (even if you think the other person won't be receptive or you think your feelings are not valid) speaking about it with them will allow for a greater understanding between two people.

Respect: Give grace, trust, boundaries. Giving grace means you are quick to offer forgiveness, or to see people with their best intentions at heart, giving people the benefit of the doubt, even when you feel hurt or whatever. Try to be above all, understanding. Trust that people are doing their best, even when they are not acting their best. All the while holding boundaries for yourself, and them. That means just because you are forgiving and understanding doesn't mean you accept poor treatment. Respecting and identifying other peoples boundaries are huge as well.

Acceptance: Validate, hold space, support. Complete and total acceptance of someone is my number one goal and aim, always. When you fully see and accept someone, there is no higher feeling. We all want to be accepted. I think most of our behaviors are about that, in some capacity. Acceptance meaning lacking of judgement, not condoning. Acceptance means you understand that people are just people, and they are on whatever journey they chose to be; we cannot control them, we can only show up for them with support. Validating people's experiences and emotions are also valuable! Demonstrate to people you hear them, even if you don't understand them, you can still hold space for their feelings and emotions.

Investment:Listen, ask questions, show up. Such an integral part of relationships! Your time is valuable, show people you care by offering your time through listening to them, asking questions, being curious, and showing up for them when they need it. Invest in people, invest in relationships. You'll be surprised how so small an act as making dinner, or sending a card, can mean so much.

The Workshop

This month I challenge you to work on three relationships.

Relationship One: Think of someone who treats you well and start to identify what is it they do to make you feel special, seen, heard, understood, welcomed, loved, liked, respected, valued, etc.

Relationship Two: Think of someone you want to create a better relationship with. Identify what you can do to make them feel special, seen, heard, understood, welcomed, loved, liked, respected, valued, etc.

Relationship Three: Identify your current relationship with yourself. How do you, make you feel? Special, seen, heard, understood, welcomed, loved, liked, respected, valued, etc?

Get our your journal! (Or print this page)

Relationship One with: _______________________

This person makes me fee:l ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

This is what they do for me:____________________________________________



Relationship Two with: _______________________

I want to improve this relationship because: ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These are the actions I will take:_________________________________________



Relationship with Me:

This is how I treat myself currently:_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

This is how I want to make myself feel:_____________________________________


These are the actions I am going to take:___________________________________



Remember, the Seventh House in Astrology is about more than relationships, it has elements of defining purpose as well. We know that relationships are incredibly important for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. The quality of our relationships shines a light on the quality of our lives as a whole. For no man is an island, we need each other to survive and thrive.


The "Sharing Your Gifts With Others" meditation is about filling up your cup, and then offering your amazing gifts and feelings that you cultivate within yourself, to others. A loving kindness meditation. Good for morning meditation.

The "Nightly Review" meditation is a reflective review of your day, cultivating awareness, selflessness, compassion, and gratitude.


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