The Energy of 2025: A Cosmic Rebirth
Here we are, standing on the precipice of 2025—a year of endings and beginnings, transformation and truth.
The universe has plans for you, my darling, and they’re laced with magic, intensity, and the undeniable pull to step into your most authentic self.
Numerologically, 2025 adds up to 9, the number of completion. It's not about waving a polite goodbye to what’s no longer working; it’s about burning it to the ground and planting seeds in the ashes. The cosmic energy will ask you to surrender what’s dead weight and open yourself to the rebirth waiting in the wings. Let’s dive into the spiritual themes of this powerhouse year—and what it means for each rising sign.

The Big Themes of 2025
End of a Cycle (Numerology 9):
Release and Letting Go: The energy of a numerological 9 year encourages completing old cycles, letting go of past burdens, and stepping into spiritual alignment. What core beliefs are ready to shed?
Spiritual Evolution: You have profound gifts and the numerology of this year is asking that you cultivate them, focus on them, harness them. Can you feel the Universe trying to lead you to new ways of understanding and healing? She wants to share her gifts with you!
Year of the Snake: 2025 is the Chinese Year of Wood Snake, which can be a potent time for transformation. The Snake's association with shedding its skin symbolizes releasing old patterns and embracing renewal. The wood element to the the intuitive and transformational elements of the snake bring grounded change and actionable growth. It all culminates to a very spiritually charged development.
Collective Awakening:
Unity Consciousness: With Pluto in Aquarius, there’s an increasing focus on collective evolution and the idea that we’re all interconnected. Say goodbye to bloated sociological functions that no longer are for and of the people. We can align with this energy by using our own gifts to help elevate others.
Activating Higher Frequencies: Many will feel called to explore ascension practices, raise their vibration, and live more authentically in alignment with their soul’s purpose. You may notice the call to reawaken your god-gifts, or work with your Kundalini.
Deepening Intuition and Psychic Skills:
Practices like meditation, biofield tuning, psychic readings, and energy work will be amplified under Neptune in Pisces and Chiron in Aries. We are healing our childhood wounds that harmed our creative/psychic powers, and exploring deeply how to use our sacred DNA.
Astrological Themes for 2025
Pluto in Aquarius (November 2024 - March 2043):
Collective Evolution: Pluto's long-term transit in Aquarius is asking for revolution! Like in technology, community, and societal structures. Let go of your old ideas where ever Aquarius is in your chart, before they get ripped from you. In 2025, we’re still in the early stages, exploring themes of dismantling hierarchies and embracing collaborative, innovative approaches. Maintain a state of "allowing"and "forward momentum" to ride in this energy. We collectively asked for structures to change and communities to be supported, so don't get stuck in the fight, keep the escalation forward.
Spiritual Awakening: Aquarius is the sign of higher consciousness and forward-thinking ideas. Pluto here encourages us to align with collective purpose and advance spiritually. Again, you will be encountering people and situations of the old paradigms, don't resist, allow your vibration to rise and change, and by energetic law, the energy around you will have to change.
Themes of Equality and Freedom: This period intensifies the desire for social justice, human rights, and equality, urging people to break free from oppression and outdated systems. Where do your brothers and sisters need your help and elevated love? How can you use your gifts to support our global community? Is it time for you to start your healing business? Or writing the poems or the books that are floating around in your vortex? The "helping" will look different to each person, because each of our gifts are unique to share.
Saturn in Pisces (March 2023 - May 2025):
Bridging the Mystical and Practical: Saturn in Pisces continues to teach us how to ground spiritual practices into everyday life. Are you running fresh energy every day? Collecting your power from wherever it got stuck? Channeling the frequencies of your desires daily? In 2025, the final stretch of this transit asks us to take responsibility for our dreams and put in the work to manifest them.
Boundaries in Spirituality: Lessons around emotional and energetic boundaries are strong. Discernment becomes essential, particularly in spiritual or creative fields. Saturn wants to protect us, and sometimes the "lessons" whack us over the head. We can be prepared for this energy, by learning to protect our own. In the Intuitive Development Courses, energetic protection and boundaries are fundamental to the development of spiritual gifts
Collective Healing: This transit emphasizes addressing emotional wounds and collective trauma through compassion, creativity, and faith. Pisces is idealistic and can get lost in the astral, Saturn asks that you engage in healing medicine work to address the parts of yourself that you are unconsciously blocking.
Neptune in Pisces (Until 2026):
Heightened Intuition: Neptune remains in its home sign of Pisces, amplifying spiritual and creative energy. 2025 is a year to deepen psychic abilities, explore mysticism, and connect with the divine.
Illusion and Clarity: Neptune’s influence can blur reality, so 2025 invites us to pierce through illusions—whether personal, societal, or spiritual—and uncover the truth.
Chiron in Aries:
Healing the Self: Chiron, the wounded healer, continues its transit through Aries, encouraging us to heal personal wounds around identity, courage, and self-worth. 2025 invites a bold confrontation with limiting beliefs about who we are. I recently discovered a core belief that wispered "I'm a loser" any time I tried to plan something with friends or reach beyond my current parameters. Constantly uncovering what limits us, allows us to push beyond anything in our way! There’s strength in acknowledging and embracing our wounds to step into authentic power.
Jupiter in Gemini (May 2024 - June 2025):
Expanding Communication: Jupiter in Gemini amplifies curiosity, learning, and the exchange of ideas. Spiritually, this transit encourages exploring different philosophies, beliefs, and practices. Don't shy away from the hard conversations, this year you are being asks to be REAL and RAW for the sake of deeper relationships.
Playfulness in Spiritual Growth: A light-hearted approach to spirituality will thrive—think laughter, joy, and experimentation as paths to enlightenment.
Rising Sign Predictions 2025
Aries Rising
Career Evolution: Pluto in Aquarius shakes up your 11th house, bringing power dynamics and transformation to your social networks, long-term goals, and affiliations. It's a year to redefine your ambitions and align with groups that support your future vision.
Reflection & Healing: Saturn in Pisces in your 12th house calls for introspection, addressing hidden fears, and spiritual growth. This transit encourages solitude and healing old wounds.
Financial Expansion: Jupiter in Taurus boosts your 2nd house, enhancing earning potential and encouraging practical investments.
Taurus Rising
Self-Discovery: Jupiter in Taurus brings blessings, luck, and personal growth as it moves through your 1st house. You’ll feel more confident, optimistic, and ready to take on leadership roles.
Career and Status: Pluto in Aquarius begins to reshape your 10th house of career and public image. You may start redefining your professional goals or experience shifts in authority figures.
Friendships & Alliances: Saturn in Pisces in the 11th house asks you to focus on authentic connections and long-term aspirations, shedding friendships that no longer serve your growth.
Gemini Rising
Inner Transformation: Pluto in Aquarius begins a long-term transit in your 9th house, pushing you to reevaluate your beliefs, spirituality, and higher education. You might explore new philosophies or distant places.
Career Discipline: Saturn in Pisces moves through your 10th house, bringing a reality check to your career. Hard work, consistency, and integrity will be rewarded.
Rest and Rejuvenation: Jupiter in Taurus lights up your 12th house, offering opportunities for deep healing and spiritual connection.
Cancer Rising
Financial and Emotional Depth: Pluto in Aquarius transforms your 8th house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. This is a time for confronting fears and releasing past baggage.
Expanding Social Circles: Jupiter in Taurus enhances your 11th house, bringing supportive friendships, new alliances, and growth in group settings.
Commitment and Vision: Saturn in Pisces in your 9th house encourages disciplined learning, travel with purpose, and building a solid spiritual foundation.
Leo Rising
Relationship Evolution: Pluto in Aquarius activates your 7th house, creating deep changes in partnerships. This could mean power struggles or transformative connections that reshape how you relate to others.
Career Growth: Jupiter in Taurus blesses your 10th house, offering promotions, recognition, or significant professional opportunities.
Financial Responsibility: Saturn in Pisces in the 8th house urges careful management of debts, taxes, and shared finances, while also encouraging emotional healing.
Virgo Rising
Health & Routine: Saturn in Pisces transits your 7th house, bringing focus to your physical well-being, daily habits, and work-life balance. It’s a year to refine systems that support your mental and physical health.
Spiritual Growth: Pluto in Aquarius transforms your 6th house, highlighting the importance of aligning work and health with your deeper purpose.
Learning & Travel: Jupiter in Taurus energizes your 9th house, bringing opportunities for higher education, publishing, or meaningful travel.
Libra Rising
Creative Breakthroughs: Jupiter in Taurus lights up your 8th house, providing growth in creativity, romance, and self-expression.
Powerful Connections: Pluto in Aquarius transforms your 5th house, inspiring profound shifts in how you approach joy, love, and passion projects.
Health and Service: Saturn in Pisces focuses on your 6th house of daily routines and health, encouraging discipline and responsibility in your work environment.
Scorpio Rising
Home Transformation: Pluto in Aquarius in the 4th house urges deep shifts in your home, family, and emotional foundations. Old patterns and family dynamics may surface for healing.
Relationships Flourish: Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house of partnerships brings expansion, whether in romantic, professional, or platonic connections.
Creativity Discipline: Saturn in Pisces in the 5th house asks for a grounded approach to creative projects and commitments in love.
Sagittarius Rising
Communication Mastery: Pluto in Aquarius in the 3rd house transforms your communication style, learning, and relationships with siblings or neighbors.
Daily Life Growth: Jupiter in Taurus in the 6th house promotes growth in work and health routines. You may find new opportunities to serve others meaningfully.
Home Structure: Saturn in Pisces in the 4th house emphasizes creating a stable, disciplined home life and emotional foundation.
Capricorn Rising
Financial Transformation: Pluto in Aquarius in the 2nd house brings shifts in your values and financial priorities, urging you to rethink your approach to money.
Creativity Blossoms: Jupiter in Taurus energizes your 5th house, offering opportunities in romance, self-expression, and creative projects.
Communication Discipline: Saturn in Pisces in the 3rd house encourages focused learning, structured communication, and setting boundaries in your immediate environment.
Aquarius Rising
Identity Revolution: Pluto in Aquarius begins to transform your 1st house, bringing profound changes to your self-image, confidence, and life direction.
Home and Family Stability: Jupiter in Taurus in the 4th house offers blessings in home life, real estate, and emotional security.
Financial Responsibility: Saturn in Pisces in the 2nd house requires you to take a disciplined approach to money, savings, and self-worth.
Pisces Rising
Inner Work: Pluto in Aquarius in the 12th house stirs deep subconscious shifts, encouraging healing and letting go of past baggage.
Personal Growth: Saturn in Pisces in your 1st house calls for self-discipline, maturity, and a focus on building a stable foundation for your identity.
Communication and Learning: Jupiter in Taurus in the 3rd house enhances communication, learning opportunities, and local connections.

If you made it all the way to the bottom of this blog post, kudos.
You're interested in your growth and expansion into joy and passion.
Me too!
If you want to explore your spiritual gifts and learn how to access these inherent gifts, email me at and I will send you a 25% off code for the next Live Energy Awareness module.
See you there <3