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Intention is a Magic Wand

Writer's picture: MaryLisa EmeryMaryLisa Emery

Updated: May 21, 2021

Ever read the "Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz?

It's a classic!

If you haven't read it, I just tell you now, the First Agreement is to

"Be impeccable with your word".

The author goes on to describe how words are SO powerful, they are like casting a spell.

Like casting a spell.

Whether we speak them, or think them, words are so powerful in their effect on us and others. We can see their power in how our lives look, how our relationships look, how our career looks, etc.

Before we move on, here is some evidence of the power:

- Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto studied water in relation to either positive or negative statements on its molecular composition and found that negative statements can erode and positive statements can heal (we are up to 60% water BTW)

-Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Creath found that plant leaves could emit more measurable light if study participants were to focus on "making them glow"

-Biophotons are what direct intention through the movement of energy and electrical impulses inter and intrapersonally

What is Intention

According to the Chopra Center "intention is a directed seed of consciousness".

It's a thought, with purpose behind it

It is the creative starting point from which we can change things.

Yet most of our intentions lack discipline and awareness.

Intentions are electrically charged vibrations that color all thoughts, behaviors, and outcomes.

So what happens when we don't specially direct them?

Role of the Subconscious/Automatic Thoughts

Thoughts become words

Words become actions

Actions become Behaviors

Behaviors become Circumstance

So we have to trace our intentions back to the source: Thoughts

*Let's pause for a minute and take stock*

Would you say most of your thoughts are positive or negative? Gratitudes or Criticisms?

What ever you believe, what ever your inner voice keeps repeating to you, becomes your reality. Science can now confirm this ^^^

So we need to be more aware of these thoughts, meditation will do this.

Once you are more aware of what's actually going down in your head, then you can catch and correct these thoughts, creating intentions.

I notice I used to have a lot of thoughts about living paycheck to paycheck, about being "poor", now I have effectively changed that automatic thought into "I earn 10k a month"

Intention is about focus.

What are you focused on?

Tips for Setting Effective Intentions

1. Refrain from complaints and self-criticism. It's ok to have negative emotions and feelings. What is most important is to be able to reframe a negative thought pattern. Feel the feelings, resolve them, and move forward to prevent the negative thought from gaining traction in your head. (If you are having mental health issues please be kind to yourself through it and seek help

2. Go on a negativity purge. Look through all your social media and axe the accounts that make you compare yourself, feel bad, or don't inspire you.

3. Get clear on what you want. Seriously, make a list. Use mantras, or affirmations.

4. Learn to reframe. When something doesn't go right, doesn't feel right, use the power of reframe to tell yourself a different more positive story to increase the positive vibrations.

5. Set your Intentions Everywhere. Write them on your mirror in Expo marker. Tell your roommates. Talk about it with the guy in line behind you to get coffee. Journal about it.

6. Act on it. Intention is the moving force behind action. You decide you want something or believe something, you convince yourself of its truth, and you begin to act on it. Once you intend on having your own business and convince yourself you can do it, you deserve it, you begin to take the actions to bring it toward you. Or you begin to sage your house because you intend to remove all unhelpful energies from your space.

-This is like having an anchor. Anchors or symbols or rituals are manifest things that convince you of things not yet manifest. Like prayer. You send your intention out into the world and end with an anchor of "amen" or the sign of the cross.

-Some other anchors include crystals, words, symbols, words, rituals, movements, etc.

Intentions are firm statements of personal truths.

Just like plants or water, we're greatly affected by the vibrational quality of thoughts & words

So clean up the negative clutter in your head

Be clear about what you want

Speak it, Think it, Act it out as truth

Watch your life change.

if you are having trouble clearing out some of the negativity in your head, reiki can help remove attached emotions in our chakras and auric fields that affect our thoughts and beliefs.


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