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Writer's pictureMaryLisa Emery

Here For You

September is National Recovery Month

And also hosts National Suicide Awareness week in middle month.

If you're out there struggling,

Don't stay silent,

Reach out.

This is for you.

Dearest One,

I am here for you

I know sometime you feel alone.

Separation is a dense and tricky fog.

So is pain, and loneliness, and fear.

The only thing that is real is Love.

You may not feel it,

Or even understand my meaning yet.

But do not close your mind,

Because I have been there.

The place where "faking it" ceases to work, and perception is filled with toxic illusions.

You can't see the way out.

Because you are looking down,

Face pressed up against the dirt,

Unable to move.

Piles of noxious and negative energies holding you paralyzed in one spot.

Sometimes those of us that feel the most lost,

Are the ones who are meant to make the big changes.

That's you.

You just have to keep going.

Make the decision to believe.

Believe the Universe is on your side.

That the whole world is waiting to conspire for your greatest good.

And people are out there who are willing to lend a hand, and a heart.

Use your voice.

Decide in your heart, you have purpose

And let it unfold in front of you, like a budding rose.

All this self power and greatness only flows when you ask for it,

And know you are receiving it, simultaneously.

You may feel your mind is working against your most time.

Asking you to believe unhelpful things,

About yourself, and about the World.

That is why help is available to you,

We do not walk our Journeys alone.

Believing anything less is a misunderstanding of what you truly are.

What you think you are capable of,

Is only a shadow of your true abilities.

I will show you your magic, until you see it and know it yourself.

Many of us have already had our Dark Night of the Soul

Feeling the way you have felt now.

And sometimes feeling it again.

The night is often most dark, right before the dawn releases.

Our Journey is now to help others like you in your darkest hours.

What often gets in the way is this illusions of separation.

When you feel separate from other, or self, or source,

You are cutting off this power supply.

This power of oneness, of divinity, of truth and love.

The result is darkness.

Make your voyage back to the Light.

Because you are connected to all things, and this is the power.

Don't let your fear convince you anything less is true.

Love is your truest form,

Come back to that.

Read it and hear it and speak it every day,

Until the illusions fall away.

And you fall back into the River of your truth,

Letting it wash through and over you.

And thus, all of life will be rooted in joy and magic.

Don't confuse perception, for truth,

Don't get caught up in the minutia of judgement.

Practice acceptance of yourself.

See yourself as the loving mother,

And extend comfort and compassion to all things,

Beginning first with yourself.

Love can only grow in fertile ground.

Uproot the weeds in your mind and body.

Weeds of Judgement

Weeds of Hate

Weeds of Competition

Weeds of Comparison

Weeds of Lack

Weeds of Fear.

Close your eyes right now.

You are in a field with the bright blue sky above.

In your hand you have the seeds of Love

Seeds of Joy

Seeds of Laughter

Seeds of Success

Seeds of Acceptance

Seeds of Forgiveness

Seeds of Adventure

You plant them here.

In this Quantum Field of reality.

You tend to these seeds daily,

Until they blossom

And you believe and see,

Just how powerful and lovely you are.

Here For You <3

*There are so many people out there struggling. Many of us have come out the other side and are wanting to help. There are so many avenues to help, you will have to decide which is best for you, or trying them all.



My hope for anyone out there struggling, is they keep trying, because we all have gifts we are meant to share with the rest of world.

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