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Full Moon Feels 2020

The Moon has long held cultures captivates and in awe of its mystery, beauty, and purpose. There are articles out there proving the Moon does affect our mood and behaviors, and there are also articles contesting these ideas. You decide for yourself!

I personally think there is some magic of how the moon affects us; more specifically, by what zodiac sign the Full Moon passes through each month determines certain universal feelings or behaviors.

Learning more about the Moon and its astrology can be fun and empowering!

Here are some interesting facts:

1. "Lunatic" comes from the Latin word "luna" meaning moon, describing the erratic behavior of people around full moons

2. "People with unstable personalities and mood disorders or those who are already under stress may experience social consequences of excessive cosmic influence" and "as revealed by correlations of police and fire department data with data from the Lunar Ephemeris, San Francisco suicides and Florida homicides appear to be directly correlated with the appearance of the full Moon"

3. Moon phases affect our sleep patterns, taking longer to fall asleep and having less REM cycle sleep during the Full Moon

4. "The lunar cycle has an impact on human reproduction, in particular fertility, menstruation, and birth rate" possibly through affecting our hormone levels

5. Moons are often named through what they have historical brought the coming of in relation to harvests, for example we are coming up on March's Worm Moon, named for the coming of Spring

Full Moons 2020

The Moon in astrology represents our emotions, subconscious, and hidden selves.

So here is a chart of the rest of the Full Moons for 2020, and what sign they are in to give you a sample of what might be coming up for you around those times.

Mar. 9 Worm Moon in Virgo 10:48 a.m. PST

--You will feel more secure by bringing order into your life; clarity equals safety during this time

Apr. 7 Pink Moon in Libra 7:35 a.m. PST

--You feel the need for balance and reciprocity; don't sacrifice your needs for others'

May 7 Flower Moon in Scorpio 3:45 a.m PST

--Seek out emotional depths with yourself and others, be seen, and hold space for others

Jun. 5 Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius 12:12 a.m. PST

--You feel more fulfilled with something on the horizon, give yourself a longer leash and go be free

Jul. 5 Buck Moon in Capricorn 9:44 a.m. PST

--Realize your accomplishments so far, both spiritual and material, then set more goals

Aug. 3 Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius 8:59 a.m. PST

--Be proud of your uniqueness, flaws, and dreams; take time to get into your emotions and out of your head

Sep. 2 Corn Moon in Pisces 10:22 p.m. PST

--All the feels; use this time to tune in to your surroundings, realize everything you feel is not necessarily yours to own

Oct. 1 Harvest Moon in Aries 2:05 p.m. PST

--Use the fire to bring light to others; remember emotions are not things that need to be 'solved' but rather felt and let go.

Oct. 31 Blue Moon in Taurus 6:49 a.m. PST

--Use this time to nest, light a candle, take a bath, order in and reflect on your self worth

Nov. 30 Beaver Moon in Gemini 1:30 a.m. PST

--Spend time with friends in gratitude, let them see you care

Dec. 29 Cold Moon in Cancer 7:28 p.m. PST

--Ground out the propensity to be overly emotional through your closest friends and family, be gentle with yourself and forgiving toward others


In Astrology the lunar cycle begins with the New Moon and 'ends' with the Full Moon. The New Moon is a time for setting intentions and manifesting, and while it waxes up to a Full Moon, which illuminates the fruit of what you planted back at the New Moon two weeks earlier. If you need to let things go, the Full Moon is a perfect time to do that, because as the moon wanes, it will take with it what you have released.

Because Full Moons are an ending, they represent a time of reflection, gratitude for what has come to fruition, and release on all levels.

Here are some ways to utilize the power of a Full Moon

  1. Cleanse your space. Try Good Juju Smudging Spray to remove negative energy or unhelpful thought patterns from around you and your space.

  2. Identify and write down the things you wish to release from your life (Fear, Negative Self Talk, a Toxic Relationship) and burn them in a candle outside (please be safe)

  3. Charge your crystals in the Full Moon. Our crystals are energetic beings as well, they collect and store energy just like us, so you can cleanse them in the light of the moon to return them to their optimum vibration

  4. Take a bath in Apple Cider Vinegar, Epsom salt, and Zen Master Essential Oil Blend to engage in quiet and support self care, while releasing toxins from your body. (1 cup AVC, 1 cup Epsom, 10 drops of your oil)

  5. Check out the Full Moon chart above and determine how the zodiac sign the Moon currently is in, is affecting your emotions, energy levels, and thought patterns.

Those are just some ideas to help you develop your own personal Full Moon Ritual!

Let us know how the Full Moons affect you in the comment section <3

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