The four elements have long guided realms of Spirituality, Astrology, Tarot, and modern Science. In this post I want to inspire you to learn about how the properties of each element guide and inspire you life, and how to harness the energy of them to facilitate growth and balance. #BestLife
Just like our beautiful World, we are each made up of the elements. Every person has a unique blend of each element within them, some may be guided more by one element than another.
Whatever element you are guided by, you have a bit of all of them within you. Discover your ruling element and the powers that lie within it!
Take the quiz by clicking on the picture below!
Astrology and the Elements
In Astrology, each sign is governed by a specific element and it lends to the characteristics of that sign. Fire is the first element in the Zodiac with Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Then come Earth element with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Next is Air with Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. And the last element is Water with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. If you have read your natal chart, you know you have many different signs in different Houses and Planets that make up your specific life and personality.
For example, my Sun Sign (arguably the most important planetary placement) is in Sagittarius, so I have a lot of fire properties governing my life. And in my First House is Jupiter in Leo (also fire, also an important House of Personality). Along with this though, my Rising Sign is a Water element, and my Moon Sign is an Earth element (learn about your rising and moon sign here). So my three most important signs are all different elements, but in total I have Seven Earth Placements out of eleven! Wow, anyone confused?
-You can see how unique all our our placements can get!
-Simple step one, is looking at what element your Sun Sign is
-Take it to the next level and count up how many of each elements you have in your chart
Viola! That might give you a peek as to what element is more present in your life
Discovering your Elemental Power
Ok without reading each of your natal charts to help you discover which element you are ruled by, I created this quiz to help you find out!
Before we get into why it can be incredibly helpful to know your elemental power, let's dive into each element

Fire is reds and oranges and yellows, very stimulating colors.
Fire is all about PASSION and INSPIRATION
Fire is imaginative and volatile
Fire's role is to light a spark in the world, in people
Fire can be brash and insensitive
Fire moves from one thing to the next, fast
Fire wants to go places, and be with people, and talk about important things, and has no time for small talk
Fire is a lust for life
Fire craves honesty and rawness
Fire is charismatic
Fire can explode with over the top emotions and reactions
Fire is spontaneous and creative
Fire wants to do things that matter
and they want you to do things that matter too

Earth is greens and brown, strong colors
Earth is stable and consistent
Earth is all about RELIABILITY and STRENGTH
Earth is about steady movement forward
Earth is goal setting and achieving
Earth is practical and rigid
Earth is nurturing and loyal
Earth is the glue that holds us together
Earth finds value in success
Earth works in logic and can be stubborn
Earth wants to hold you up
Earth helps things grow

Air is whites and metallics
Air is all about KNOWLEDGE and DISCOVERY
Air is communication and information
Air is quick minded and quick witted
Air can inconsistent and insensitive
Air needs to be in the know
Air is a detective and free thinker
Air is the rule breaker, meant to incite change
Air is carefree and logically, a true independent
Air wants to make connection and understand
Air knows a great many things, about a great many things

Water is blues and purples, relaxing colors
Water is all about COMFORT and EMOTIONS
Water is deep and feeling
Water is concerned and can feel lost
Water's role is to make us connect to and care for ourselves
Water will hold you
Water needs to be held
Water is a quiet force, brimming storm
Water is deeply intuitive
Water is understanding and devoted
Water is forgiving and comforting
Water is compassionate and irrational
Water is life giving and nourishing
Your Elemental Power Applied
Each element has a specific role in life, on the Earth. We need a balance of all of them or we become off kilter and things start to go awry. In the description of each element you can see both helpful and unhelpful qualities; so it can be especially important to learn how to incorporate other elements and their qualities in your life.
Your weaknesses are also your strengths
Your strengths are also your weaknesses.
It goes both ways.
Use your dominating element to direct your Life's Purpose
If you're guided by Fire, you are meant to Inspire
If you're guided by Earth, you are meant to Guide
If you're guided by Air, you are meant to Stimulate
If you're guided by Water, you are meant to Care
Strengthen the Elements
(read this post about how to balance each of the chakras mentioned below)
If you want more Fire energy (passion, inspiration) in your life, try Blessings Spray or Love Elixir roll on. Work on your Sacral and Crown Chakra and try a Visualization or Walking Meditation. Go outside or light a candle and watch the fire dance, feel the warmth and the power; think about how fire changes things in an instant.
If you want more Earth energy (balance, stability) try Good Juju Spray or Zen Master roll on. Work on your Root Chakra and try a Grounding Mindfulness meditation, such as counting breaths or heartbeats. Go outside, touch the trees and hug them; think about how the Earth supports us all with strength and comfort.
Work on your Solar Plexus and Throat Chakra and try a Visualization Meditation by creating conversations and interactions in your mind's eye. Go outside and feel for a breeze on your skin, or better yet, exhale all your stale air, and inhale as deep as you can; think about how Air is necessary for life and is all around, sometimes invisible.
If you want more Water energy (caring and nurturing) try Love is in the Air Spray or Mellow Mix roll on. Work on your Heart and Third Eye Chakra and try a Loving Kindness Meditation. Take a bath in hot water, feel the relaxation of being submerged and somehow safe. Find your closest river, lake, ocean and listen to the ebb and flow while thinking about the depths water can go and the strength of its persistence.
Remember friends,
A balance of all the elements are necessary for life.
Working with certain elements can benefit you in you Life Path and Manifestation Journey
So can Reiki
Many Blessings,