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Connect to Higher Self

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

Ever heard people talk about "your Higher Self" and wondered what exactly they meant?

Higher Self can mean and resemble many things.

But connecting to this aspect is so important because it offers guidance to

- Authenticity

- Happiness

- Freedom

- Peace

... to name a few things

Connecting with your Higher Self will enable you to define more of what it can mean and represent for you; it's an incredibly personal and spiritual journey. But I will go over what and why this connection can greatly benefit you, and some ways to connect.


I think of my Higher Self as my soul, everything and anything good, pure and amazing.

It is who I am uninhibited by toxic ego, old trauma, and false belief of limitation, lack, and loneliness.

Higher Self is who we aspire to be.

Higher Self has all of our highest good and interests at heart.

Trying to connect to this part of ourself leads us toward our best interests.

Connecting to this part brings us closer to our brilliant potential of power, abundance, passions, joy, health, and love.

Connecting to our Higher Self can guide us with clarity in times of our need.

The Higher Self is an ideal, whatever you want it to be, and can change any moment you decide.


There are many ways to connect to this aspect of yourself, and I encourage you to find something that works for you, and try many different ways!

Here are three ways that have worked for me...

*TIP: when doing these exercises learn to trust. If you are receiving messages that are fear based or unhelpful, consider that your ego or your inner judge getting in the way. Ask for this interference to be removed and listen for answers that are love based and evoke feelings of calm. That is how you will know when the connection is made

  1. Meditation: (Read about different meditations here)

When you close your eyes, after a few grounding and cleansing breaths I suggest climbing some beautiful stairs, methodically, acknowledging you are walking up into a higher dimension, into higher feelings, higher knowledge, and higher awareness. When you reach the top of the stairs you open a beautiful door and walk inside to a bright forested area, where you feel protected and inspired. Then call your Higher Self forward. Ask to be seen. Wait however long it takes. When your Higher Self walks forward notice what you see. How you appear. Are you powerful? Calm? Beautiful? Loving? Then if you'd like you can have a conversation. Ask for clarity and that any interference be removed from hearing the Truth and Love. Then listen. Get to know and get a feel. The beautiful being you see and have created is you, and you are becoming it.

  1. Hand to Heart: I learned this from watching an episode of Missing Links with Gregg Braden where he talked about the the power of the heart. The heart sends and receives much more information that our brain. The exercise is simple. With eyes closed and hand over heart, you connect to the energy of the heart, however that means to you. I imagine it a living and conscious part of my soul, a direct connection to my Higher Self and Highest Good. Then I ask it questions. And the answers are usually immediate and direct. I also make a Heart Centered essential oil roll on, with oils that open your heart chakra if you are looking for more ways to connect to your heart.

  2. Writing: This is one of my favorite ways to connect to my Inner Power and Highest Self, because there is a strong element of creation within it. Take pen to paper and write about yourself as if you were everything you wanted to be. This can mention things that you have, things you have accomplished. Or it can take on more of a description of who you are, how powerful you, the power you weild, the things you feel. I usually write as if I am everything I ever wanted and have everything I ever wanted. Connecting to that energy of empowerment brings you closer to your Truth and embodying your Higher Self more and more often.

Connecting to your Pure Potential is a worth while venture.

And just like most things it will take time, practice, and honest exploration. (Discover more ways to connect your Authentic Self)

Like a single massage or a single work out may leave you feeling better afterwards, there needs to be some practice and consistency to feel a impact.

Do you have any ways you connect to your Higher Self that are not listed?

Share in the comments below!

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