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Age of Aquarius

Writer's picture: MaryLisa EmeryMaryLisa Emery

Hopes, Friends, and Higher Consciousness.

We are no doubt, now in the Age of Aquarius.

There has been some debate as to when exactly this New Age was to start:

From the turn of the century in year 2000,

Or at the end of the Mayan Calendar in year 2016,

Or last year in 2020.

A very early Greek astronomer, Hipparchus, discovered the "precession of the equinoxes", which basically means the earth has a wobble or tilt that, about every 200 years, changes where exactly each constellations in our Earth's sky reside.

Which constellation the vernal equinox takes place is the judge of this change. Now, the vernal equinox is taking place in the Aquarian Constellation.



* I get a lot of my astrological questions answered from this book :

Why it Matters:

I wanted to briefly touch on this topic because our world and our societies are experiencing big changes, which can be felt uncomfortably by us, and other sensitive people.

SO as we discuss this months workshop, I felt it necessary to ask you to extend these lessons to the broader good.

February's Workshop falls under the Astrological House Eleven:

The energy of this House is all about

-Change for the good of the ALL

-Cultivating Togetherness

Wow, It's that EXACTLY what the world needs right now? Some togetherness?

Last month in the House 10 Workshop we discussed LEGACY and how to bring your individual aspirations to life.

Upon making your mark on the world (House 10), you are ready to share your legacy for the good of ALL (House 11)

(If you are looking for more information on Astrology Houses, you can read more in this blog post to discover how they relate to you)

House Eleven

Air-- Communication and Thought

Planet-- Uranus: Originality, Awakening

Outer World-- Building relationships and connections with the World

Self-- How can you create a life in the Bigger World

Characteristics-- Friendships, Community, Society, Technology, Wishes, Collectivism, Humanitarianism, Change

House Eleven is asking "How are you contributing to Togetherness?"

Togetherness v. Separation

This month we are going to see how we can create a community.

-How can we add value to the lives of others?

-What kind of relationships are we building and maintaining in our life?

-Do we find enjoyment in the success and wellness of others?

-Can we find connection and common ground anywhere we go?

If you are used to looking around and finding difference between yourself and others, or your views and the views of others, I encourage you to look deeper this month.

Why It Matters:

Maybe you consider yourself an introvert, a lone wolf, or largely misunderstood by people and have convinced yourself you prefer isolation or separation.

All of those things can be true,

But I am here to remind you that connections provide these benefits:

-Stronger emotional and mental health

-More opportunity

-More love and friendship

-More success in career

-More knowledge and understand of the world, yourself, and others

-Feeling supported

-Feeling seen and understood

-Longer life and more vital health

No joke, we need to feel connected in some way or another.

We are built for it.


Let's look at some ways we intentionally or subconsciously contribute to separation in our lives from others.

-Using or cell phones in public spaces

-Ignoring phone calls or text messages

-Gossiping or making fun of other people

-Determining yourself to be 'right' in all matters of opinions

-Demanding that everyone have the same Beliefs and Life Experiences as yourself

-Seeing life as a competition

-A lack of curiosity as to "why we are the way we are"

-Looking for differences in others

The list could go on! But I think we need to do some exploring for our own personal ways we contribute to divisiveness and separation.

One of the biggest ideas I took away with me from my Master's Course in Addiction Studies was that:


People need to have bonds to other people to feel safe and fulfilled. When there is a lack of bonding between a person and others, the person often forms bonds to THINGS or DRUGS or PORN or SHOPPING or WHATEVER

Johan Hari is an amazing leader in this theory, check out his book

Social Comparison

So why do we separate ourselves from others?

Why do we default to comparing ourselves with others?

Why do we seems to find more differences than similarities with others?

Well, we do these things as a form of "self evaluation"

Our need to understand ourselves can turn sour when we don't have a stable sense of self, or enough confidence or self esteem to combat potential negative comparisons.

So you see, comparison is natural and helpful even. But when evaluating others, finding similarities or common grounds is necessary to rise above the tedious exhaustion that an unchecked EGO can cause.


The Eleventh House is one of the higher evolved Houses, being the second to last, so what we are discussing is about improvement overtime. we are talking about ideals and theories and how to live a more fulfilling life with yourself and others.

Learning to work with and care about and cherish other people BENEFITS YOU

So how can we build a community during Covid and beyond?

How can we enrich our lives with the love and companionship of those around us?

How can we build a community in an individualistic society?

Is this you?

I am still learning and trying to practice those questions listed above.

I used to consider myself an introvert.

I would avoid the gaze of strangers.

I would walk past people without looking them in the eyes and saying "hello"

I would answer people with one word answers to avoid getting in conversation with them.

I used to think I did not have time to listen to the story of a stranger in line for coffee

I wanted to be left largely, alone.

Does any of that sound like you?

Now after a year of quarantine I crave those small connections.

Now I WANT to know my neighbors.

Now I want to know how I can add value and a smile to anyone I meet.

What's Changed?

I became less self involved.

Hear me out.

I think this desire to live separately from the lives of others, and avoid social contact with people outside of my circle came from a few things: Insecurity, Selfiness, and being Self-involved.

Believe me! If someone a few years ago told me to stop being so selfish and to get connected with others, I would have been so angry and defensive.

But now I realize that thinking about myself too much just means I am causing myself more mental distress. By connecting with others, I spend less time in my own head

I am not advocating for you to put yourself in distressing situations or giving too much of yourself and time to other, that you have none left for yourself.

I am saying be open to the idea that connections with others will benefit you.

Now let's look at some ways we can contribute to building connections and community

-Checking in on neighbors

-Volunteering for a cause you care about

-Sending cards in the mail to people you haven't had contact with in a while

-Making valentine's gifts for your neighbors

(Below are the ones I am getting; with fun jokes!)

-Finding ways to share your talents with other people. If you are in media, maybe help a friend whos starting a business with tips for media content or design. If you are a lawyer, may do a session pro bono. If you are a babysitter, maybe do something fun and unique for the kids. Whatever!

-Start a MarcoPolo chat with your family or friend groups

-Go to your local coffee shop or dog park and strike up a conversation, maybe over time it will lead to a connection.

-Get to know the people in your neighborhood, become invested in your community

Age of Aquarius Meditations

Don't forget to check out this month's meditations that are curated for this workshop. If you are a site subscriber, the meditations are free to you <3

Journal it Out

Take out your journal or open a word document and answer some questions and prompts with me:

What is your biggest wish for yourself

What is your biggest wish for your family

What is your biggest wish for your community

What is your biggest wish for your country?

What is your biggest wish for your Planet?

How can you make connections in your community?

What will you do this month to make that happen?

What can you do to share your gifts and talents with your community or society?

What will you do this month to make that happen?

How can you use technology to create meaningful connections with others?

Do you believe people are inherently good or bad?

Do you hold onto any thoughts of feeling better than a certain person/people/group?

How can you contribute to the happiness of others?

Do you know that you are Infinite and Eternally Loved?

Many Blessings,










Share your progress with this workshop and others in the comments below!

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Or if you would like to work with me personally, click here

I am glad to get to know other seekers like you!

Let's build a community



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