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Acceptance for President 2020

I would tell you I am great with acceptance. Very go with the flow (despite my six Capricorn placements). So when my cousin challenged me to purge my judgements this January, I was slow to realize how a lack of acceptance was still plaguing me; affecting how I relate to myself and others, and affecting my spiritual growth.


According to David R Hawkins, author of Power Versus Force, we can measure human consciousness on a scale between 1 and 1000. The lowest vibration of our consciousness is Shame, resonating around 20, and the highest level of consciousness being complete Enlightenment measured at a value of 700-1000. Get this: most people are said to rest at a baseline somewhere between Fear 100, and Desire 125. Do you feel like that explains a lot? I began to understand the world incredibly differently when this theorized what people were capable of in their daily lives. I felt more empathy for people. Many cannot help but operate out of these levels of consciousness, they are doing their best. The brilliant news is people with higher levels of consciousness are able to raise the collective consciousness of our world. So let’s elevate.


I spent New Years Eve 2019 at my cousin's place in Los Angeles, she is a reiki healer and greatly encourages my spiritual growth. We went to a light show, a vegan restaurant for dinner, then a "Roaring 20s" party on Mount Washington with some of her old entertainment-industry buddies. I don't do super well at large parties where I don't know a hand full of people. Primarily being my dance moves tend to scare people, and secondly I don't quite know the art of appropriate party conversation topics. I go straight in for the kill, "Do you feel like working at a marketing agency contributes to the disease of consumerism?" or "Tell me what your childhood was like". Apparently people who don't know me just want to drink their alcohol and celebrate without a existential and psychological confrontation. But, this is just an example of me being me: desire for deep and personal connections, no time for small talk, interested in the psychological and sociological frameworks at play within people. So am I being insensitive?


What is the balance between being authentically you and being more pleasant and amenable for others? My Sagittarius Sun tells me I can say what ever, when ever, and people are responsible for their own feelings. Here is the boundary I am drawing: I can be authentically weird and intense without being judgmental of others, through acceptance.


For example: I can talk about how I watched a documentary on Minimalism to a guy who works as a marketer for a magazine, AND find something positive about what he is telling me about his job. ^ I believe the And is important for me. I can have my own views and opinions, while still respecting and accepting alternative views from others.


Looking at the chart above, you can see the emotion of anxiety lands under Fear at 75, which is a weaker level of consciousness. This is where I started my journey at many years ago. At a lower level of consciousness, I lacked energy, vitality, and found it difficult to sustain joy and happiness. I was living in fear. With constant reiki healings, reading, learning, meditation, etc, I was able to raise my consciousness level drastically.

Yet I still found myself struggling with concepts like complete acceptance and was still using judgement to place value (This is better than that. I am better than her because I am nicer. He is awful because he has hurt people). A Dialectic is a philosophy wherein two truths can occur at the same time. Like, you can be both happy and sad in one given moment; or you can be everything and nothing; or you can value the kind treatment of others while acknowledging some people end up hurting other people. Its like, opposites or conflicting ideas can both be true, without one person having to sacrifice their beliefs or values for another. This philosophy has helped me through some issues before, because it holds ground and honors all things.

It is important to hold ground for all things and people, simply, because you are not omniscient. You don't know why the friend keeps returning to the abusive relationship, or why that person can't stay clean off of drugs, or why that person abuses their power. Personally, I have judgments about all the afore mentioned scenarios, but in order to raise my vibration and consciousness, I need to realize there is a place for all things. I don't know what kind of soul contracts were made before people came to Earth, or what kind of karma is being played out before my eyes. So by remaining neutral and not judging others and their situations, I can only be accepting, which can then move to love and compassion (refer back to the consciousness chart up top).

It is also important for me to remember that acceptance is not condoning something, it is merely the ability to see past subjective realities to the actual Reality; which at this time I only know to be love. If I start to judge some lack of love in a person's actions/words/behaviors, I have in that instant, removed myself from the vibration of love, to criticize another, of which I know nothing about.

Love is not saying one things is better than another, love is bringing what I can offer to others unconditionally.

Maybe as we become more spiritual, we have less use for these heuristics, because, theoretically, we are continually acting and thinking out of love which unites everything into itself.

Let me know what you think, what your experience is, or what you are working towards in 2020!

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